The following blog post acts like a personal journal and carries the thoughts of Elder Prince, founder of Blossomsoft Games.
My novella, ‘Dechentreiter Thing,’ is marking its 10th anniversary with a fresh, revised edition. Once the Blossomsoft Bookstore goes live, it will be ready for release.
Two covers are in contention, with my preference for the one on the left.

Dedicated to Paolo Baroni.
This new version is dedicated to Paolo Baroni, who meticulously revised the initial draft, sentence by sentence, over three months. Way back in 2014. I recall being impressed by many of his changes. Sadly, I’ve lost touch with him and am unsure of his whereabouts. He disappeared from Facebook completely, and I’m uncertain if he still follows my blog. So, here’s hoping I’m dedicating this new version to someone who’s still with us!
You can read the release announcement of the old edition [here].
First Edition, STILL FLAWED.
The first edition was finalized by a professional editor. However, I later realized that the work was rushed, resulting in a less polished final product than I had hoped for. I can’t fault the editor, though, as his rates were exceptionally low. Consequently, I never fully promoted ‘Dechentreiter Thing’ because of my lack of confidence.
OpenAI to the rescue.
This is where OpenAI comes in handy; it allows me to be more productive, relying less on human input. Interacting with AI is faster than the protracted back-and-forth with a standard editing service, which are often unavailable on weekends. And when you’re as broke as I am today, it’s a real lifesaver.
So, this new version has been meticulously edited with the assistance of OpenAI, just like how Paolo and I worked on it back then. I’ve painstakingly ensured that each paragraph flows exactly as I intended, correcting typos and fine-tuning sentence structure. Using AI doesn’t equate to lazy work; I’ve invested a lot of hours during my food delivery shifts perfecting the story’s flow.
New impactful changes.
The second part of the story features a completely revamped style, inspired by the gritty vibe of Sin City.
Overall, I’ve added new segments to the story while also removing some. I’ve taken into account all previous reviews and attempted to address any negative feedback.
After a decade-long hiatus from this story, I can honestly say that I now consider it a sleeper hit. I’m not trying to pat myself on the back, but I genuinely enjoyed rereading it, almost as if I were experiencing it anew. With the final result truly satisfying me, I plan to be more aggressive with the promotional campaign.
Not calling it quits on game dev.
I’m not giving up on game development, but I need to focus on making money in a more practical way for a bit. I aim to become a more prolific writer from now on, steadily expanding my published library month by month.
Still, I’m not losing hope for a game dev comeback down the road.
Blossomsoft Bookstore.
Blossomsoft is no longer solely a solo game development studio but has also become an indie book self-publishing house. Under its umbrella, you’ll find works from Elder Prince and M. Daddy Longlegs—both of which are pen names of mine, representing diverse genres.

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