Eternal Eden Series

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Eternal Eden Walkthrough: Part 20 Gomorrah

This tutorial was crafted by the dedicated fan, OverCloud9.

Go east first from the vortex. The some of the enemies here inflict paralysis and elemental damages. The next area has three dead fruits and two mega tonics. Enter the room with open door to get mega tonic and seraph robe from the chest. The following area has two dead fruits, mega tonic and ether. Move ahead into the successive region to collect life potion. Enter the room with open door to deactivate the green switches. That room also has mega tonic. Return to the vortex room.

Take the western path this time. Pick the two dead fruits, mega tonic, remedy and ether in that area. Move on. There you will find dead fruit, ether and mega tonic. Follow the northern route now. See what the characters have to say. Here you have noting to collect. Pass through the door. Deactivate the red switches and collect the mega tonic before leaving. Return to the vortex room and go south this time.

Search the area for mega tonic, two dead fruits and ether. Keep moving and gather two dead fruits, life potion and mid-ether from the next area. Watch the conversation while passing on to your right. Here you will find dead fruit, ether, mega tonic and lapis. Head southward and get mega tonic, ether and four dead fruits. The chest has nova armor. Enter the door to deactivate the blue switch. The room also has two mega tonics. Go back to the vortex room.

Take the path to the west and keep walking till you reach the save point. Follow the southern path. Look for two dead fruits, mega tonic and tent and proceed south. Collect dead fruit and pull the lever device. Pick up more items from the unblocked area like mega tonic and dead fruit. The chest has holy ring. Now get back one screen and follow the path to your left. There find two mega tonics, remedy, mid ether and two dead fruits. Open the chest to get ancient staff. Now the other chest is inaccessible now. We will find a way to open it. Go north from there. Pick up the three dead fruits and two mega tonics. Pass through the door and get the messiah blade from the chest. Retrieve the mega tonic and tent before leaving. Return to the vortex room.

Go through the eastern path from there and arrive at the room with a save point. Go to your right from there. Pick up the mega tonic, magic fruit and remedy before getting into the water. Swim to the next area. Find mid tonic, mega tonic and ether from the waters and move ahead. Get on the land surface and look for three dead fruits and mega tonic. Open the small red chest to get purple gem. Swim back to the shore and get back to the vortex room.

Head towards the northern path this time. Gather the mega tonic and three dead fruits and move ahead. The following region has dead fruit, black rock and two mega tonics. There is a gate waiting to be unlocked and an inaccessible chest. Take the path to your left. Pick up mega tonic and two dead fruits. There is a secret passage in this area, refer screenshot.

Enter it and reach the hidden area to get life potion, mega tonic and blue gem from the red chest room (walk through the door). Get back from the hidden passage and continue north. Gather ether, remedy, mega tonic and two dead fruits before placing the gems in the empty slots in that room. Go through the passage. Save at the save point inside and move ahead. Make Noah stand on the blue star and pray. Enter the door that appears. You will reach a new area.

Get out of the place and watch the conversation. The area has ether, three magic fruits and two mega tonics. Move out. Pick up mega tonic and two magic fruits before taking to your right. The following area has two magic fruits, two mega tonics and ether. Go south and collect magic fruit and mega tonic on your way further down. The next area is the center of ecclesia. Find life potion, two magic fruits and two mega tonics. Go west and retrieve mega tonic, two magic fruits, ether, remedy. Move ahead and get mega tonic, ether and magic fruit. Go northwards and collect two magic fruits, ether and two mega tonics. Get onto the room through the door and deactivate the green switch. Return to center of ecclesia.

Now take the southern path. Search the room for magic fruit, ether, mega tonic and life potion and carry on. The next area has two magic fruits and mega tonic. Enter the door and get Golgotha revolver from the chest. Move east and collect magic fruit, mega tonic and ether. Go through the southern passage and pick up three magic fruits, two mega tonics and remedy. The chest has nova shield. Enter the room through the door and deactivate the red switch. Get back one screen and proceed east. Get the two magic fruits and two mega tonics; the pot has bravestone. Get back to the center room of ecclesia.

Now take to your east. The area has two magic fruits and mega tonic. Move on further east to get two mega tonics and magic fruit. Follow the northern path and listen to the dialogues. Get mega tonic and two magic fruits from there. Proceed east and collect mega tonic, remedy and magic fruit. Swim further to your right. Look for mega tonic and remedy; ignore the north path for now and move on. Collect mega tonic, magic fruit and alcahest bow from the chest. Swim back to the shore and get back one screen. Head north this time. Pick up two mega tonics, mid ether, two magic fruits. Open the small chest to get yellow gem. Go through the upper door and see what happens. Find mega tonic before leaving the room.

Return to Gomorrah. Return to the vortex room and take to your right. Keep walking till you reach the save point. Go north this time. Pick up mega tonic, mid-ether and life potion. Put the gem in the empty slot and enter the passage that opens. The small room has a life potion. Make Noah stand on the star and pray. See what happens. Go back to ecclesia again to the room of blue switch. Press the blue switch and return to the center fo ecclesia. From there take to your right and keep walking till you reach the save point. Go down from there- retrieve two mega tonics and magic fruit and move east. Then go left into the next area. Gather two ethers, magic fruit, two mega tonics and two life potions. Walk up the northern path to open the red chest. Congrats, you mastered the final skillsliding through two worlds. Now we can use this spell to get all the items here that was previously inaccessible. Look for two magic fruits, ether and mega tonic before leaving.

Get back one screen and walk inside the fence on your lower right. Use the slide spell. Open the chest to get black hat and search the corners for two dead fruits. Slide (back to ecclesia) and move on to the next area. To access the chest guarded by the fence use the slide skill again. Step on the side of the rock and slide. Open the chest to get holy ring and two diamonds beside the chest. Slide back and go south. Slide again and find two mega tonics, life potion, magic fruit and ether. The pot will give a bravestone and the chest has nova helmet. Slide back and head to the center of ecclesia. Go south this time.

Proceed down and then to your right. Go through the right passage and slide. You will find the hall of treasures of Gomorrah. Get the items-two mega tonics and remedy. Get ragnarok ring and other goodies. Slide back and go back to the center of ecclesia and then following the eastern path to the shore. Swim onto the next area and go up north. Collect mega tonic and mid ether and make Noah stand on the grass and slide. Get the Gomorrah key, mega tonic and mid ether. Slide back and return to the center of ecclesia.

Finally head onwards to the north from there. Move ahead by one screen and enter inside the fenced area. Slide and get to open the chest (nova armor) and collect dead fruit from there. Slide back again and go west. There use the slide spell again and enter the hidden passage. Slide again and enter the room. The chest has nova shield and the pots have three bravestones. Slide back and exit the hidden region. Get back once screen and unlock the gate. Stand inside the gate and slide again. Enter to access the ecclesial hall of treasures. Retrieve the warlock ring and go back. Slide and enter the passage.

You will find that you’ve entered a familiar place. Head west and then up. Head east and collect four mid tonics if you haven’t collected them earlier. Similarly go up by two screens and pick up four mid tonics and enter the passage. The carpeted area has twelve mid tonics. Heal up, equip fire, bolt, dark guarding accessories and save. Exit to northern direction. Gather five more mid tonics and move on. A surprise is waiting for you on that side; follow the conversation carefully. Then face the Serpent of Persuasion. In the middle of the fight Rishi changes his defense so that in whatever way you damage him, it would heal him actually. Use Noah’s prayer skill to break this defense and continue fighting. After the fight is over watch the events and conversation.

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