Eternal Eden Series

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Eternal Eden soars with significant donation

The following blog post carries the personal thoughts of Elder Prince, founder of Blossomsoft Games.

I’m overjoyed to share some wonderful news with all of you. Eternal Eden has been blessed with a generous bitcoin donation of almost 10,000 USD, a game-changing contribution that will have a profound positive impact on the development of my projects. This injection of funds allows me to shift my focus to my projects almost full-time until the end of the year, leaving only weekends for my food delivery obligations.

I must express my gratitude to an incredibly kind benefactor who has been instrumental in supporting my journey thus far. His contributions have totaled over 250,000 USD throughout the years, providing invaluable assistance in the development of both the game engine and game mechanics.

Due to events after 2021, complications arose between our respective countries, causing me to lose sight of my projects. The first half of 2023 was particularly challenging, and my progress was severely hindered. However, I am determined to pick up the pieces and gradually get back on track. The pivotal factor is that I can now resume my work with a newfound sense of stability, marking a significant turning point unlike the challenges I faced in the past months.

I am determined to regain momentum, so stay tuned!


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