The following blog post acts like a diary and carries the personal thoughts of Elder Prince, founder of Blossomsoft Games.
Back in 2008, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that many parents introduced their children to Eternal Eden, a video game I had created. One such parent was Jennifer, who used the game to help her son improve his English reading skills.
Now, it’s quite possible that those kids who played the game back then have grown into teenagers or even young adults!
I also encountered many gamers who were retirees at the time. I sincerely hope they are still enjoying life. It’s a somber thought that I couldn’t deliver a sequel to those who may have passed away since then, but I like to think that they might be watching my progress from the heavens above.
Some of you may have been following me since the days of Western Lords, my very first game project.
My game also served as an inspiration for many individuals who aspired to become game developers. Quite a few of them reached out to me privately, sharing insights into their own development journeys. Interestingly, some of these developers admitted to initially critiquing the challenges I faced during my game’s development “hell,” only to later grasp the complexities that come with game creation, especially when you’re a one-person team on a tight budget.
So, how did you come across Eternal Eden?
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